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With three solid vocalists in their studio recording history, there's arguably one voice that can be considered the most definitively fitting for TesseracT. Not...


With recent releases via Killer Be Killed & Cavalera Conspiracy, the consistent frontman Max Cavalera has undeniably proven to be prolific. Yet, with another...


After ten years, one of progressive metal's weirder bands has returned and is just as weird, if not more.


pace doom progenitors Ufomammut, perhaps cut off from the immediacy of scene influences due to their residence in the mountainous Piedmont region of northwestern...


For all their quality attributes Armageddon are hardly the sea changing world beaters as either fellow Swedes At the Gates nor Amott's brother Michael's...


The latest incarnation on The Haunted debuted their lineup changes on 70K Tons of Metal cruise, actually a throwback to their early years with...


Redeemer of Souls is out tomorrow!


Tres Cabrones is the second Melvins album in five months, and like its predecessor, Everybody Loves Sausages, there is a bit of stunting involved here. Whereas Sausages focused on a...


I really enjoyed Soulfly's 2012 album, Enslaved; so I wasn't sure whether to be really excited or a little worried that Max and Co....


Elder statesmen of the Chicago metal scene, and one of the more seasoned lynchpins in American death metal period, Broken Hope emerged fully formed in 1991...


With no intended disrespect toward the other members, I don't think it's too controversial to claim that Josh Homme was always Kyuss' ace in the...


In spite of several well received tours over the past six years, a successful Carcass studio comeback was never a guaranteed proposition. With only Bill Steer...


It's been a long haul since Gore Metal, but in a lot of ways it kind of hasn't. Released 15 years ago to immediate...


A certain amount of fanfare trumpets the return of the regal beast that is Black Sabbath: neither a comically castrating reality show nor endless amounts...


Suffocation are, for all intents and purposes, my death metal home base. I was weaned on the mid-90s death metal scene in New York...


"Time bomb… ticking away, ticking away". These lyrics from the bridge of "Earth On Hell" are surely deliberate. Faced with both the personal flame...


I generally try to shy away from direct band comparisons, unless the antecedents were such blatant influences that to ignore them would be to...


By: Shannon Joy I've spent most summers of my adult life running the festival circuit throughout Europe, though oddly enough, I've never experienced their...


A few weeks ago, we were invited by Earache Records to a private screening of the new At the Gates documentary. The metal blogeratti...


By Ben Apatoff New PEARL JAM sounding too soft? Still too soon to discuss the latest CHRIS CORNELL debacle? Fear not, grungeheads, because ALICE...


15 years after their last studio release, a famously elusive metal metal band with an enormously influential debut has followed up. That's right, boys...


Testament's The Formation of Damnation has been hotly anticipated for two reasons.  First, it marks the return of lead guitarist Alex Skolnick.  This resets...


Cavalera Conspiracy is the musical reunion of brothers Max and Igor Cavalera after a decade-long estrangement.  Both have moved on from their origins in...

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