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Search results for "coil"


On Anxiety's Kiss, the band's upcoming fifth LP, they shuffle off the punk rock coil almost entirely, and the result is one of Coliseum's...


I can’t imagine what it's like to lose a band mate. Riot, a band with five decades of history, has had to deal with...


Cardinal Wyrm's second album, Black Hole Gods, is an hour long soundscape woven from the fabric of doom, occult rock, goth, and psychedelia. It's...


Starting off as a fairly prolific crust/sludge quartet from the Pacific Northwest, Trap Them began getting a little leaner in their output as they gained popularity,...


You know what the metal world needs more of? Musicals. I'm not saying that ironically either. Sure, we have plenty of prog bands putting out...


Conflicting ideologies seem to spurn the best possible music. The black metal and death metal scenes fought against each other back in the early...


In spite of several well received tours over the past six years, a successful Carcass studio comeback was never a guaranteed proposition. With only Bill Steer...


There’s plenty to say about the sonic gulfs that separate Yellow & Green from Baroness’ past work, but the primary difference here is in...


When you ask today's metal heads who the titans of metal are, you're likely to hear names like LAMB OF GOD, DIMMU BORGIR, ARCH...


Deadlock is a combination of what are probably now the most nauseating ingredients in metal – nth generation melodic Swedish death metal, screamed verses, and...

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