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Search results for "Pig"


"While my overall feelings towards this album are lukewarm, there are also several pieces on here that could be fun additions to their live...


"It should be noted that while Mordred’s fourth full-length may not be a stone-cold classic, it is a grower."


Under Sullen Skies begins a new epoch for New York's Tombs, presenting a diverse onslaught of frightening atmosphere, skull-caving heaviness and inexplicable catchiness—along with...


Pharos is perhaps the most succinct yet powerful example yet of Ihsahn's knack for crafting beautifully dense, emotional, and intense compositions.


Like a lot of bands, Caustic Wound isn’t playing to reinvent the wheel of death or grind, they’re just playing it the way it...


Jarboe shows us that she's an artist without limitations and offers something altogether different from expectation and definition.


Escuela Grind takes listeners to a particular institution of learning on their debut full-length


Mysterious sounds abound on the reissue of (0)'s debut EP


If you like brutal death metal and slam, but like the idea of adding tasteful breakdowns and squeals into the mix, you cannot go...


In all honesty, it's a little surprising there wasn't much of a notable industrial metal revival in recent years. In the past decade, the...


Examination of Violent Cinema, Vol. 1 is set to be another incendiary feather in the cap of the world’s premiere cine-grind band.


While to some the djent scene feels still like a blooming subgenre, there have been many developments and offshoots born from the musical style's...


To save myself from eye-rollers and naysayers in regards to the use of subgenres in order to define a band's sound, I fully agree...


While some of my favorite albums excel because of their superb creativity and unmatched innovation, the most pleasing and significant records tend to be...


The brutal death and slam metal styles have always been a strange concept for me to wrap my mind around. There isn't really a...


This New Jersey band's debut is much more than a complex piece of rigidly structured virtuosity.


Thus far Scour haven't exactly risen above imitator status. Where does the new Red EP take them?


Relentless Mutation is a great step forward for Archspire, as the writing is vastly improved and more consistent than on previous records. And it’s...


WVRM's Can You Hear The Wind Howl proves to be a killer collection of savage grindcore

Throwback Thursday

Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....


Be sure to wrap your scrotum in foil, and prepare for your hair to evacuate as this nuclear beats seeps its self into society.


Hydrograd is an unapologetic collection of singles, no bones about it.

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