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Search results for "BEHEMOTH"

Matching Tags: behemoth


Primitive Man remain in their solitary state: loud, pissed, slow.


Epic blackened death metal from India...


The High Heat Licks Against Heaven blends its disparate elements into an absorbing listen, and as such makes it one of the stronger releases...


Album number seven sees Inquisition both pushing for new horizons while also showing signs of growing a bit too comfortable with their own formula


It’s easy to imagine Zombi being swallowed by the very sea of artists they helped inspire, but these two guys have several advantages that...


Antigama offer the listener no quarter, mercy or time to adjust as the band gets straight to the gritty. What's more is that the...


"Watchers of Rule showcases a band firing on all cylinders. There is an urgency, a purpose and a drive I haven't felt in a...


1349 is a perplexing creature among the fork-tongued legions of Satan's choirs. Some folks will tell you they are mind-bending visionaries, while others will...


Now, almost as if in response to The Satanist, Spain's Teitanblood has loosed Death; a nigh impenetrable mass of atavistic black/death chaos. Death is...


Heavy metal by its very nature is transgressive. The genre embraces the darkness of human nature in a way that no other musical style...


It would be easy to dismiss these guys as false or question their grimness since the band hail from the sun drenched Golden State....


On Ginnungagap, Seidr's follow up to their 2011 debut album For Winter Fire, the Louisville, Kentucky band meld the folky doom of earlier material...


Seth's The Howling Spirit boils down to well-written black metal without succumbing to the reverb-laden hallmarks and constant minor-chord bombardments that black metal so...


The first thing I have to say is what the hell happened to CRIONICS?! And it’s a damn good what the hell! The last...


The genre of black/death seems to be one of the few new things you can get into if you’re into “real” metal. The trouble...


Some words and sentences just get lost in translation. Did Toxic Bonkers perhaps want their name to represent the effects of going insane from...

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