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Orchid are bringing the doom rock in a big way with The Mouths of Madness, and under no circumstances should you be missing out...


So you're in the mood for some Alice in Chains, but the doomier styling of bands like Woods of Ypres has been calling your...


You may have heard recently through the grapevine that a band going by the name “Lesbian” exists. Furthermore, it has no female members, which...


There aren't many bands that maintain a consistency while constantly progressing from album to album. It seems like everyone wants to renew and reinvent...


The Last Spire is the aptly titled final effort of legendary doom rock act Cathedral, and the band certainly don't just lay down and die....


Soak in the cover artwork long enough and you already have a pretty solid understanding of what this record is; a hazy trip through...


Everyone has that band that got them into music, or into a genre. And no matter how mediocre or revolutionary that band is, you'll...


The Omega Experiment's self-titled debut has been out for a little over a year now, but the April 9 re-release on Listenable Records is...


It’s been a little too long since we’ve seen something new from Bring Me The Horizon. They’re one of the more respected names in...


Southern Lord would eat these guys up. No Salvation play a sludge/stoner-friendly hardcore that doesn't fit neatly into one category but would immediately gel on the...

METAL Injection

Körkarlen, or The Phantom Carriage, was released in 1921 and directed by the father of Swedish cinema, Victor Sjöström. According to its story, the...


If you were to make a list of the most influential U.K. hardcore/punk and metal bands, you could not avoid putting Heresy on the...


When you think of blast beats you're mind probably goes to something like Napalm Death or Rotten Sound nowadays. Perhaps Pig Destroyer's Prowler in...


In 1986 a demo was recorded in about six hours by small Newcastle band for £25 (about $37). The piece was as rough as...


This year, I resolve to listen to more death metal. And what better way to start this new year with the new act, Oblivion....


Imbroglio know that modern life is not harmonious; there is no balance, there is no such thing as solace. The band craft music that’s...


The moment is finally here; the Time is now (hur-hur). I suppose the default question must be: "does it meet expectations?" But could anything,...


In order for a “progressive” album to be a success, its sound must be able to explore and experiment, yet still be memorable enough...


In my review of their last album, Wormwood, I praised The Acacia Strain for their raw anger and brutality, but complained about the lack...

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I got so much grief from people…about “not being black a metal band.” And I’m not proclaiming to be. But it’s part of our...


It's a long journey from paying tribute to being tribute-worthy oneself. It's a common pitfall among many artists: hamstringing themselves with their own sense...


There’s plenty to say about the sonic gulfs that separate Yellow & Green from Baroness’ past work, but the primary difference here is in...


Some of histories greatest bands weren’t extremely revolutionary, original, or pioneering a new way of life through their music. Some of them simply did...