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Search results for "amon"


For the sake of full-disclosure, I should come right out with it: I absolutely love Grunge, and even when pitted against my Metal, Punk,...


Distressingly, the majority of Yakuza reviews still focus heavily on the alchemical influence the Chicago music scene has had on the band – noise rock,...


In my review of their last album, Wormwood, I praised The Acacia Strain for their raw anger and brutality, but complained about the lack...


Ostensibly borne of black metal, Krallice suffer from the simplicity of that label. Summoning a protean confluence of speed, intricacy, melody, and rhythmic ardor,...


Dublin, California could just be another American city with a borrowed European name, lest it not be for a band comprised of arguably some...

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I got so much grief from people…about “not being black a metal band.” And I’m not proclaiming to be. But it’s part of our...


It's a long journey from paying tribute to being tribute-worthy oneself. It's a common pitfall among many artists: hamstringing themselves with their own sense...


In 2012, just about every new metal band clearly wants to prove to listeners that they know how to shred, blast, and groove simultaneously....


There’s plenty to say about the sonic gulfs that separate Yellow & Green from Baroness’ past work, but the primary difference here is in...


Six years is an eternity in metal years. Entire trends rise and die off in a mere half-decade with a fair amount of consistency....


Some metal bands age better than others. Come to think of it, some metal genres age better than others. As far as I can...


Epic. Masterpiece. Mind-blowing. Superlative, superlative, superlative. It's hard to hide my excitement here; Portal Of I, down to its final note, is the perfect...


Many of death metal's greatest moments are martial in nature. From Bolt Thrower's crushing cannonades to Amon Amarth's victorious marches, metal and war are...

Best of 2011

Not too long ago, I went over to Double-Down Saloon to celebrate Frank’s birthday with the rest of the crew from Metal Injection and...


There's this movie: Werewolves on Wheels.  It came out in 1971 and combined one theme that was hugely popular at the time (bikers) with...


Axiomatic in all technical variants of heavy metal – whether it be prog, thrash, death or otherwise – is that it is as much...


Upon graduating from At a Loss Recordings to Southern Lord for their third album, 2009's Chronomega, Bay Area sludge purveyors Black Cobra clearly felt...


Time off has been good to Primus.  Having seemingly fizzled out with 1999's artistically disastrous Antipop – stunt cast with such head-scratching guest appearances...


I would be willing to bet that the early Norwegian black metal bands didn’t anticipate their style of music to actually last for a...


"Time bomb… ticking away, ticking away". These lyrics from the bridge of "Earth On Hell" are surely deliberate. Faced with both the personal flame...

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While in the process of reviewing this album, I had a bit of a debate with a good friend of mine about Trivium. He...


I generally try to shy away from direct band comparisons, unless the antecedents were such blatant influences that to ignore them would be to...


As someone who has seen Decapitated twice since their last release, once with Vitek and once without, I have been very eager to hear...