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Female fronted doom bands are all the rage these days, and for good reason. The juxtaposition of down-tuned lurching metal with soaring female vocals...


Hypothetically let's say we've taken a record of Ihsahn's overall style from his past four solo records. Let's say this tome contains a fairly...


When a band gathers an audience from their inception, expectations get skewed in an unfair way. A hit song can be a blessing in...


It's fitting that the resurgence of both Death Angel and Testament coincided with dual supporting slots on the Anthrax comeback tour two years ago: both are Bay Area thrash acts...

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When I think of Satyricon, the first thing that comes to mind is a funny conversation I had with a rather enthusiastic and boisterous...


2013 has been a pretty amazing year for progressive metal of all sorts. Last Chance To Reason put out the great almost aquatic sounding album...


Avenged Sevenfold has not been too shy in talk of their new album. The one thing that always popped up in interviews regarding Hail to...


Diamond plate: you know what it is even if you weren't aware there was a name for it. It refers, in the words of...


It's kind of a sick treat to witness the dissension among metalheads when it comes to bands like iwrestledabearonce. It’s safe to say that it’s...


Over the past decade or so Jason Newsted has been a meandering soul in the metal community. Jason played with the Canadian Prog Thrash icons...


In spite of several well received tours over the past six years, a successful Carcass studio comeback was never a guaranteed proposition. With only Bill Steer...


It's been a long haul since Gore Metal, but in a lot of ways it kind of hasn't. Released 15 years ago to immediate...


When we posted the link for the Walk Through Exits Only album stream, you would think the response on Facebook was well…schizophrenic. It was...


Congratulations! If you are reading this, you survived this weekend's Supermoon invasion. It was a little touch-and-go, as we all know, and those we...


Return To Annihilation is Locrian's most accessible album, although "accessible" is a subjective word. Considering how challenging much of the Chicago trio's back catalog...


There's something unsettling about the music of Tristan Shone, a.k.a. Author & Punisher. It's hard to pinpoint, but there's a certain menace about the...


The nouveau thrash movement may or may not be dead, but, regardless of how you feel about the genre's well being, Texas' Power Trip...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....


It's somewhat disarming that, in an era where bands are forced to deliberately misspell (Pyyramids, CHVRCHES) or omit vowels (VYGR, MSTRKRFT) from their names in order...


You'd be hard pressed to find a metal band more hyped than Kvelertak in the last two years. Having released their self-titled debut in 2010 through...


If their recent history is any guide, Anthrax has made a great comeback. After a string of mediocre albums and a some time spent...


If your idea of heaviness is congruent with screamed vocals, you won't find Habitual Levitations any uptick in brutality over the previous Intronaut album, Valley of Smoke. If...

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When I saw Nails at New England Metal and Hardcore Fest in 2011, I was instantly won over. They had such a raw, no...