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CHILDREN OF BODOM Goes Full Speed Ahead On "Under Grass And Clover"

This is not at all what I was expecting.

This is not at all what I was expecting.

It's been four years since Children Of Bodom released I Worship Chaos, and with guitarist Daniel Freyberg (ex-Norther) replacing longtime axeman Roope Latvala, the band is ending that streak. Children Of Bodom will released their brand new record Hexed on March 8 and have released a pretty wild new song "Under Grass And Clover" below. The track is a lot more straightforward and almost poppy than I expected, but it's a really interesting change of direction for the group that could pan out to be awesome.

It helps the song is a lot of fun and the melodies are catchy, and they even throw in a very Hate Crew Deathroll-type orchestra hit all the way at the end. Now go get your weirdly power metal-esque Children Of Bodom on.


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