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AC/DC Frontman Brian Johnson On The Road To Recovery After Hearing Aid Meeting

Brian Johnson just might have found the answer.

Brian Johnson just might have found the answer.

AC/DC frontman Brian Johnson recently opened up about meeting with Stephen Ambrose, of Asius Technologies, to discuss the possibilities of getting a hearing aid that would help him out. Johnson said in a previous interview that having water in his ear, flying, and being sick significantly contributed to his hearing loss, though that problem may be one of the past very soon.

In short, Johnson is amazed by the technology and can't wait for it to be small enough to where he can use it everyday, so don't expect him to hop up on stage with the band tomorrow or anything like that. Still, who knows? Maybe we'll get a Brian Johnson AC/DC show just yet. Here's the full press release from Asius:

Brian Johnson's authorized press statement concerning his recent experience with Stephen Ambrose and his breakthrough ADEL hearing technology:

"It WORKS. It just totally works and you can't argue with that. I was really moved and amazed to be able to hear music again like I haven't heard for several years now. I can't wait for it to be miniturized so I can use it in every situation from normal communication, going out to noisy restaurants, to performing live music on stage."

This great news is the result of a recent open message published by Stephen Ambrose (the original inventor of the wireless In Ear Monitors in 1965) to Brian Johnson who had to postpone touring as the frontman for AC/DC due to increasing hearing loss.

Stephen wishes to sincerely thank all of Brian's friends for their help in getting this message to Brian and making all this possible.
-Asius Technologies Team


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