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NAILS' New Track, "You Will Never Be One of Us," Is Your Caffeine Replacement

Nails = the best!

Nails = the best!

Have you ever tried to do a Google image search for Nails? Turns out you get a lot of photos of women's decorated fingers. But SEO issues aside, Nails always deliver aggressive, noisy passion and their new tune is no different.

Today, the band announced their next album is called You Will Never Be One of Us and it will see a June 17th release. To keep the tease going, they released their first single today, the title track, and man it's a total ripper. Take a listen:


Frontman/guitarist, Todd Jones said offered this quote about the new album:

“You Will Never Be One Of Us” is about the pain and the pride that goes into being involved in hardcore/punk/metal unconditionally…being a lifer. It's a knife to the throat of the people who come and liter their bullshit and impose on everyone for their own selfish agenda. It's for everyone who dedicates themselves to their craft…their music…their passion…whatever the fuck it is, and seeing someone come along and attach themselves to what you do/love and abuse it, with no regard or respect for it. This song is not for NAILS, but for all of US.

We believe this video not only stands out as far as quality and expression, but represents us in the best possible way that a music video could. It conveys the emotions that you might experience from us if you come to one of our shows. This video shows what we are, doing what we do in this band. No pretense, no overblown image, no bullshit, no gimmicks, no artificial/cheap attention grab. This video IS NAILS. Fucking period.

Here's the cover of the new album, which can be pre-ordered hereNails-You-Will-Never-Be-One-of-Us

[via Decibel]

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