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CONVERGE post new track on their MySpace


Consider me officially excited for the new CONVERGE cd, Axe To Fall. The band just posted an MP3 of the track "Dark Horse" on their MySpace page and it sounds absolutely killer. This, on top of the live tracks of new songs we captured a few months back shows this disc has a lot of promise. And, really, it's fucking Converge. They aren't going to settle for anything but a killer CD. Also, I can't wait to hear some of these guest appearances: Steve Brodsky (Cave In), Adam McGrath (Cave In), J.R. Connors (Cave In, Doomriders), Uffe Cederlund (Disfear, ex-Entombed), John Pettibone (The Vows, Himsa), Steve Von Till (Neurosis), and Mookie Singerman (Genghis Tron). The CD comes out October 20th via Epitaph.

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