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The debut of Mike Semesky's (Raunchy, ex-Haarp Machine, ex-Intervals) new band Rest Among Ruins is everything you could ask for in a melodic progressive metal band.


Quick Review: REST AMONG RUINS Fugue

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The debut of Mike Semesky's (Raunchy, ex-Haarp Machine, ex-Intervals) new band Rest Among Ruins is everything you could ask for in a melodic progressive metal band.

Fugue wastes no time grabbing you by the throat and taking you on a melodic, technical metal journey. Lead guitarist Ben Schmitz is in frantic motion from the start of "Beyond The Storm" and never lets up. He whips to and fro along the fretboard effortlessly presenting some of the most memorable technical licks I've heard in a long while.

The album as a whole is difficult one to label. There are crushing moments and those brief glitchy electronic elements of deathcore that are juxtaposed with massive choruses that could easily catch the ear of your rock radio directors. There are even some string-led pop-rock anthems that could be considered modern post-hardcore if they didn't suddenly implode into blast beast sections (See: "In Focus"). Technicality is the only constant of this album, so I'd have to call it a progressive record, but it's one that comes at the already open idea of "progressive" music from every angle possible.  They'd excel on a touring package alongside Coheed and CambriaProtest The Hero, or In Flames.

Semesky is further diversifying his resume with Rest Among Ruins. This is easily his most dynamic and impressive vocal offering to date. Whether he release his gruff bark, death metal growl, or straight up singing, the man has a respectable set of pipes. I also have to give a nod to his bass and guitar work since he is keeping up with Schmitz.

If you're into progressive rock/metal, catchy as fuck heaviness, guitar wankery, or abstract concept albums there is bound to be a lot on this record for you.

Give it a listen and pick up a copy here


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