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Found completely on accident while throwing a Weekly Injection together, France's avant-garde metal experience 6:33 has been twisting and turning through my speakers nonstop ever since.


Quick Review: 6:33 Deadly Scenes

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Found completely on accident while throwing a Weekly Injection together, France's avant-garde metal experience 6:33 has been twisting and turning through my speakers nonstop ever since.

The band that once featured Arnaud Strobl (Carnival in Coal, We All Die (Laughing), etc) has parted ways with the vocalist, refined their line up and presented their finest release yet. Their Facebook genre simply lists them as, "Strange Music," and often when a band does this move they're overselling their sound. I was prepared to press play and ear a band with a little bit of a prog lean to them or something. However, holy shit. This is some strange, amazing music.

Bands like uneXpectMr. BungleDog Fashion Disco, and Devin Townsend Project all come to mind while the album plays. However, not in a way to imply that this band ripped them off. There are some sonic similarities, but the adventurous torch of all those great bands is carried by 6:33. These guys are a profoundly unique band of weirdos.

The occasionally-masked folks of 6:33 seamlessly weave in and out every genre imaginable over the the nine songs that make up Deadly Scenes. DTP bombast is in high effect as "Ego Fandango" engulfs the listener in lush sweeping symphonic moments. "The Walking Fed" sounds like The Fragile-era Nine Inch Nails with the progressive gallops of Leprous, a combination I'd never imagine, but one that works really well. "Last Bullet For A Golden Rattle" even starts out with a campfire acoustic jam. A final favorite of mine is "I'm A Nerd" the most Townsend-esque song on the record that soars with choirs, blast beats, and some of the happiest heavy music I've ever heard.

Swing, industrial, black metal, there is even a section that sounds JUST like "One Jump Ahead" from Aladdin (see video). They are kitchen sink metal (i.e. everything but the kitchen sink) at its finest.

Pick up Deadly Scenes via Kaotoxin Records now.


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