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CONVERGE Announces Deluxe Edition Of The Dusk In Us

The original album, an EP and a bonus track.


Converge has announced a deluxe version of their 2017 album The Dusk In Us. The new version features all 13 tracks from the original, all four tracks from the 2018 EP Beautiful Ruin, and the B-side "Eve". Get it here.

  1. "Single Tear"
  2. "Eye Of The Quarrel"
  3. "Under Duress"
  4. "Arkhipov Calm"
  5. "I Can Tell You About Pain"
  6. "The Dusk In Us"
  7. "Wildlife"
  8. "Murk & Marrow"
  9. "Trigger"
  10. "Broken By Light"
  11. "Cannibals"
  12. "Thousands Of Miles Between Us"
  13. "Reptilian"
  14. "Permanent Blue"
  15. "Churches and Jails"
  16. "Melancholia"
  17. "Beautiful Ruin"
  18. "Eve"

"Our only goal is to create something that moves us and resonates with us emotionally," said vocalist Jacob Bannon of the record. "For us, it's simply a new album about new chapters in our lives. We are a very 'human' band–always have been–and our songs are all rooted in our real-life experiences. The Dusk In Us is that new chapter, just as previous records were before that."

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