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MACHINE HEAD's New Bassist Is…

Machine Head act fast. In February, they announced the departure of longtime bassist Adam Duece. A few weeks later they began the audition process and got some serious submissions, including former Fear Factory bassist/guitarist Christian Olde Wolbers, as well as one audition that brought them to tears.

But the band have made up their mind, and they announced their new bassist today.

The lucky guy is former Sanctity rhythm guitarist and vocalist Jared MacEachern. He will make his debut with the band on this summer's Mayhem Fest and record the new Machine Head record later this year. The wheels for this were put in motion in 2007, when Sanctity opened for Machine Head and Machine Head's then-fill-in bassist was injured and the band needed a quick replacement:

“We had locked in Brandon Sigmund of local boys Hostility to play bass on that tour, but we soon realized we’d need someone to hit the high harmonies,” said Machine Head's frontman Robb Flynn in a statement today. ”Our A&R guy Monte Conner recommended Jared since he was already on the tour, and that ended up being a great call. Jared flew out a few days before the tour and rehearsed with us and did great. What was most impressive about the whole thing was that he was doing double duty – opening for Machine Head with his band at the time Sanctity, and then later singing with us. He would stay sober until after our set, and often get in the van and drive all night. His seriousness and dedication was awesome to see and it stuck with us”.

Guitarist Phil Demmel echoed Flynn's excitement:

"There were dozens of amazing players, and it was interesting to watch each one take on our tunes. One of our biggest criteria for this gig was to be able to sing the high harmonies. That was our litmus test. And Jared passed with flying colors."

Here's Jared's audition video that landed him the gig.


Congrats to Jared and we can't wait to see you on the road with Machine Head!

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