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CODE ORANGE Streams New Album What Is Really Underneath?, Short Film & VR Game

They also have a new label.

Code Orange 2023
Photo by Tim Saccenti

Code Orange is back with a brand new album called What Is Really Underneath? alongside a short film of the same name.

What Is Really Underneath? is a companion album to 2020's Underneath and is billed as "part remix and part soundtrack." So expect some bits of Underneath that you know, some bits that you've never heard before, and loads of creepy atmospheres as you descend.

"For me, the story of the album, it's a Dante's Inferno-esque thing, in which this mud man is essentially travelling to Hell, to this cold metal place, in hopes of meeting his maker and getting some sense of forgiveness or repentance," said Code Orange frontman Jami Morgan in an interview with Kerrang!

"As he travels down he's being taken through memories, nightmares and ideas, he's being taken through his own mind, he's being forced to watch things he's done that aren't good, he's being shown amazing moments. Then in the end he does meet that maker and I'll leave it open-ended as to what happens."

The short film is scored by selections from the album and was brought into existence by Code Orange keyboardist and guitarist Eric "Shade" Balderose. The film quite literally took over 2,000 hours to create and, much like everything Code Orange does, is visually stunning in that "early days of the digital world" kind of way.

And finally, Code Orange has launched a virtual reality game on their website here. So what's next for Code Orange? In the same interview, Morgan notes that it'll be as abrasive as ever.

"I promise you this one thing, with what we're going to do next, I can't tell you whether people are going to like or dislike it, but they're gonna notice it. I've never been more sure of anything in my life. We've built things for years for a reason. We're checking every box and looking in every corner and building a whole thing. We're not coming out with some songs, we're coming with a whole thing, and it will be seen. Will it be liked? I have no idea at this point what anyone likes. I know it's fucking awesome and I couldn't be prouder of anything I've done in my life.

"I have to follow my heart and believe in myself – and I do. I know when it's time to move and when it's time to not, and things happen the way they are. There hasn't been a day in the past three years that I haven't been working; I haven't gone on vacation, I've barely lived a life – I live this, I breathe this. It cannot be a house of cards; it has to be built right. It's going to be the most noticeable thing we've ever done."

What Is Underneath? also serves as Code Orange's debut on their new album Blue Grape Music. The label was officially launched today and is headed up by David Rath, former head of A&R at the esteemed Roadrunner Records, and Cees Wessels, founder of Roadrunner Records.

"I have been lucky enough to be on the ground floor with Dave Rath and co. watching them build the foundation of Blue Grape Music," said Morgan. "There is no group of people that I have more faith in to create a fresh, forward leaning home for rock music and beyond. Code Orange are plank walkers. First goers. That is exactly what we intend to do here and why we have chosen to partner with BGM. We are excited to establish an artist friendly home for those looking to forge new ground on a major level. As a team we will learn from the past and build the future."

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