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Metal Injection Launches New HD Player, New Features Added


Over the last few months, a lot has been happening behind the scenes at Metal Injection. You may not have noticed it, but we have gone through a major overhaul of the equipment we use to shoot all the video content you see on the site. We finally made the upgrade to HD, so naturally our video player should follow suite.

Today, I am proud to announce that Metal Injection fully supports HD video playback for all videos. You will notice most of the videos uploaded in the last month support HD playback (including the awesome new Lamb of God video above). Over the course of the next few weeks, we will be uploading HD versions of a ton of archived content for you to enjoy and from here on in, we're all HD baby!

In addition to the HD feature, all videos are now fully scrubbable. What does that mean? Say you're watching the Fix, our music video show, and you want to skip to the very end, even though the whole episode hasn't downloaded yet. Now you can. You can skip to any portion of the video at any point in your viewing process. No full downloads needed.

There are other technical additions behind the scenes. Ultimately, this is a much faster loading player that will improve your experience overall.

The one thing about this player though is our hosting bills are going to go through the roof now that we stream HD video. The only way we could offset all the costs of high-resolution video is to install functionality to serve ads on the video player. We are fully aware of how disruptive this may be to your experience here on Metal Injection and we are being very careful with how we proceed, making sure the advertising you see will be relevant and unintrusive. We will be rolling out advertising over the course of the next few weeks. We can promise you won't see an ad on every video, but rather, every once in a while. Again, this is the only way we could afford the astronomical bills that are ahead of us.

This was a huge undertaking and it couldn't have been done without the help Jim Sheldon. Thanks Jim! And thank you, Metal Injection junkies for your continued support. This is just the beginning of what we anticipate being a huge year for Metal Injection. We are glad you are along for the ride.

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