It’s hard to be tr00. In this new Metal Injection feature, every week, the editors of, Axl Rosenberg and Vince Neilstein, will dissect the week’s stories and decide which stories are deemed worthy of the title “tr00″ and admonish all posers who are false and upset the metal gods.
Rocking arenas across the country with David Lee "Bar Mitzvah Band Leader" Roth for the first time in 22 years, the band is looking and sounding great. Roth is jump kicking like the days of old, and Eddie reminds us why he's the most influential guitar player in heavy metal in the last… oh, wait, ever.
Because Axl Rose was apparently NOT the first one to wear spandex biker shorts on stage, and because this band fucking rocks… and you all seemed to highly agree with the latter.
Serenaded the striking writers in Hollywood to much affair. Now if only he could somehow magically write the remaining unfilmed episodes of Lost, Season 4…
Jerry Cantrell announced that the band is working on some new material and plans to release it in 2008 with William Duvall, who has been handling vocal duties on the road, singing. Will it be any good? Time will tell.
Gibson announced a guitar that tunes itself, signaling the dawn of the apocalypse in the form of thousands of useless hacks playing guitar. In addition to Metalcore, that is.
Continuing her blog updates of excellent spelling, prose, and grammar, Love confessed to having to deal with the all-dreaded Fica score, all the while slamming Madonna and praising Radiohead. What do these have to do with each other? Fuck if I know.
Hired Army of Anyone drummer Raz Luzier, marking the 4th drummer to play in the band since May of this year. This band is OVER.
Says Tommy Lee IS in the band after all, despite contradicting statements from Nikki Sixx. As if any new output this band releases will be any good anyway.