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NAILS' Frontman Explains Why The Band Will Never Tour Extensively

It's also nice to see Todd Jones isn't a raving animal hungry for the blood of the innocent.

It's also nice to see Todd Jones isn't a raving animal hungry for the blood of the innocent.

Todd Jones, vocalist and guitarist for Nails, is an incredibly savage musician when it comes right down to it. The dude has impeccably filthy guitar tone and a roar that makes lions look stupid. That being said, check out the video below debuted last week by MetalSucks with Jones explaining that Nails will never become a full-fledged touring entity because of work and family. It's awesome to see that Jones has his head on straight about the whole thing and has his priorities in order. Plus he's a really relaxed guy it seems!

My take on the situation is that it makes sense for Jones to stick to Nails as a kind of hobby- there's no big money in an act like Nails on the road and that would put his family in some serious trouble. Right on, Todd!


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